
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ginger tea benefits your body and health in many ways.

Ginger tea benefits your health in many ways and is a refreshing tea to drink.

Ginger tea health has been around for centuries and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. The effects this ordinary looking herb has on our bodies, makes it a ‘must have’ in the kitchen.

The Chinese use it to calm an upset stomach, stop diarrhea and nausea. In Europe it has been used to help relieve menstrual cramps, treat the symptoms of a common cold and relieve headaches.

The latest finds regarding ginger to have been reported are, it may help to stop the spread of cancer by preventing or slowing the tumour growth.

Gingerols and shoyaols called ‘volatile oils’ are found in ginger, and are responsible for the many heath benefits of ginger. These two oils help stimulate the bodies digestive juices, which in turn neutralize the stomach acids and help ease problems such as diarrhea, cramping and nausea.

If you would prefer to take a ginger supplement, make sure it contains the properties gingerols and shoyaols, as these are the plants active ingredients.

It is a natural decongestant and antihistamine, making it great for the treatment of the common head cold.

Benefits of Ginger Tea

For those suffering from poor digestion, drink some ginger tea. It can not only help improve your digestion, ginger tea can also help prevent and manage stomach ulcers. If your periods are irregular it can help normalize them too.

It is also used as an aphrodisiac!!

Arthritis can be relieved using ginger oil, by massaging the oil into the painful area. The oil has anti inflammatory properties so is able to help bring relief.

Travel Sickness and Morning Sickness

It is also great for motion sickness. There have been some studies on this and ginger has been found to help reduce the feelings of motion sickness significantly. Compared to taking drugs which can at times have side effects, such as a dry mouth and drowsiness, ginger is a much healthier alternative to take.

Can also be used to help pregnant women with morning sickness.

Blood Circulation

Great for blood circulation, it helps dissolve blood clots in the arteries and reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood, therefore helping to reduce heart attacks, and prevents circulatory problems in the extremities.

How to Make Ginger Tea

The best way to treat most problems is to drink as a tea. Also great for those times when you have eaten too much, or eaten something that seems to be sitting in your stomach, causing you to feel uncomfortable.

Cheers to Ginger Tea ! :)