
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some Foods for Weight Loss

Let me be clear. There is a LOT of foods you can eat that will aid in weight loss. There are actually a whole lot of foods that are extremely good for weight loss and in fact, I have included more than 12 of them below.
These foods are so important because they give you the most ‘bang’ for your buck. They are so high in nutritional properties and low in calories, that eating them is almost like eating negative calories.

Including them in your diet regularly will insure not only that you will lose weight, but that you’ll get the proper nutrition you need while you’re trying to lose weight.

Water - Let us start with the basics.

Water is one of the most important things to have during a diet. Yet often times, people disregard it for its simplicity. They even substitute it for other things, like coffee and soft drinks. It is not enough to simply only have fluids during a diet. The benefit of clear water is that it flushes away toxins that can get trapped in fat cells. If left in those fat cells, the toxins would inhibit weight loss.

Drinking coffee or soft drinks does not flush these toxins out the same way water does. Therefore, it’s important to remember to drink 6-8 tall glasses of water over the course of each day to help aid weight loss.
In addition, during weight loss and exercise, your body will use up more fluid than normal. You’ll need to replace that fluid in order to stay healthy. If you become dehydrated because you’re not drinking enough for the amount of activity you’re doing, your body will naturally try to hold onto as much fluid as possible, preventing you from losing weight.

Spinach –

This vegetable is a high-octane vegetable filled with nutrients, minerals, anti-oxidants, and high levels of iron, calcium and lutein. It’s also an excellent source of fiber.
Spinach is best eaten when it is at it’s freshest. The longer it sits in the refrigerator, the more nutrients are lost over time. Try buying your spinach at a farmer’s market, farm stand or grow your own.

Broccoli –

Believe it or not, calcium from broccoli is absorbed better by the body than any other food with calcium, even milk. Calcium is vitally important to keep your bones strong while you’re losing weight. Broccoli is also a negative calorie food. Therefore you’ll burn more calories digesting it than what is actually in the broccoli itself. So eat to your heart’s content. You’ll get benefits all the way around with this food.

Kale –
Like broccoli, kale is a negative calorie food. It’s also super high in fiber, aiding
in digesting food and cleansing the colon. As foods go, it’s top on the list of nutrient-filled foods and is a high source of beta-carotene.

Tomatoes –
Most people associate tomatoes with marinara sauce and pasta or in a salad. Thought of as a vegetable, tomatoes are technically a fruit that is full of vitamin C and high in antioxidants that help build and maintain the immune system. During weight loss, it is easy to get run down. Make sure you get fresh tomatoes that are firm and only cut them when you are ready to eat them. As soon as tomatoes are cut they will start to lose much of their nutritional value.
Eggs –
Starting the day with a high protein food will give you instant energy and keep you energized longer than simply having a slice of toast. As far as fat burning properties, eggs have been known to burn fat in that ever frustrating tummy area that plagues a lot of people. The B12 found in eggs is excellent for breaking down fat and turning into energy.

Some of you might be a little fearful of having too many eggs in your diet for fear of raising your cholesterol levels. However, high protein and low carbohydrates will actually keep your cholesterol levels from rising. If you’re really concerned, try having eggs for breakfast every other day instead of every morning.

Beans –

Navy beans, kidney beans, lima beans and white beans have extraordinary fat burning benefits. They’re high in fiber, protein and in iron, another vitamin that is needed for energy. Make sure you cook your beans thoroughly. Undercooked beans are harder to digest and will put stress on your digestive system, causing you to feel sluggish.

Stay away from refried beans and baked beans. The beans themselves still have wonderful properties, however, the oil and sugars added during the baking process will negate any benefits you might get from the beans.

Green Tea –
Green tea has natural antioxidants called catechins that aid in weight loss. Drinking a cup of green tea can help fill your stomach when you’re hungry and also boost your metabolism.

One of the best ways to get nutrients and feel full without adding high calories is to eat salad every day. Three cups of salad
contain fresh lettuce, tomato, green or red pepper, carrot, celery and cucumber will not only make you feel satisfied, but it’s filled with nutrition and fiber that is so important to healthy digestion and weight loss. Make sure you hold the heavy dressing. If you
absolutely must have your favorite salad dressing, use it
sparingly or keep it on the side so you can dip your vegetables in the dressing. You’ll find you’ll use far less dressing than if you’d slathered it all over your salad.

Fruits –
Fruits may be high in natural sugars, but many of them are also high in fiber. Apples, pears, pineapples are sweet snacks that have high nutritional and weight loss value.

Lean meat –
Do you know there are 213 calories in a meat patty with 15% fat and only 145 calories in a meat patty with only 5% fat? The difference in calories is significant, especially since you’re not getting any nutritional advantage for having the additional calories.

Soup –
Having soup for lunch or dinner can greatly aid your weight loss program simply because soup has a lot of fluid in it which can give you a feeling of being full.

Cinnamon –
A lot of people suffer from sudden sugar cravings. Studies have shown that just a little bit of cinnamon sprinkled on toast or oatmeal can keep you from having a sudden spike in insulin, making you crave sugar.

High fiber foods –
Foods high in fiber help give you a feeling of fullness after you’ve eaten. If you feel satisfied, you’re less likely to reach for a snack and break your diet.

Picture of Herbed Spaghetti Squash Recipe

Spaghetti Squash –
A lot of people who love their pasta often feel deprived when they suddenly can’t eat their favorite Italian dinner. Spaghetti squash looks like spaghetti pasta when prepared. You can serve it with marina and meatballs and still feel like you’re enjoying your favorite Italian dinner without having those high carbohydrates. It’s also high in fiber, potassium and Vitamin C

Oatmeal –
A quick bowl of oatmeal in the morning will have a lasting affect throughout the morning. Add a dash of cinnamon to it and you have a winning combination.

Salmon –
Omega 3 fatty acids help aid digestion and are known to help get rid of unwanted belly fat.

Yogurt –

Another belly fat buster is yogurt. It also keeps blood sugar levels even, preventing sugar cravings.