
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Foods that Make You Fatter

It’s easy to be tempted by new products on the market that promise you quick weight loss and a healthier diet. While there may be some choices that are good for a quick meal every now and then, most of the processed foods you find are garbage. They won’t teach you how to eat properly, and while you may shed a few pounds eating them initially, they’ll actually work against you in the long run. 

Avoid processed foods of all kind as much as possible. 

Instead, fill your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Many processed foods have been prepared in such a way that any nutritional value the food might have had is gone by the time it’s packaged. In essence, you’re eating empty calories. What’s worse is that the processing of the food usually leaves a bland taste so that the manufacturer needs to add sugar and fat to give the food more flavor so it’s palatable.

But wait a minute, you say. It has HEALTHY or DIET right on the package. It may even say low fat or ‘low carb’, too, so it must be good, right? WRONG!

Don’t be fooled by the words on the package. The only important information you need to read is the label and once you start reading, you’ll quickly put down most of those “diet” foods that are supposed to be healthy for weight loss. Food manufacturers are required by law to put the nutrition label on every package so you know what you’re eating. When you take a look, you might be shocked. What it says on the outside of the package, i.e. diet, low carb, low fat, healthy, etc., is only a slogan to draw you in.

Manufacturers can’t come and out lie to you, nevertheless, they can “stretch” the truth or make the claim ambiguous enough so that only the savvy label reader will understand what they’re really eating.

For instance, say you pick up a package that says low fat. Cutting your fat intake is good if you want to lose weight. As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, there is both good fat and bad fat that you need to watch out for. Your body needs some fat in order to run properly. However, you can greatly improve your health and lose weight if you choose your fats wisely. Unfortunately, most fats found in processed foods are bad fats. Moreover, the amount of decreased fat in those processed foods is only relative to other processed foods.

Most processed foods are also filled with sodium.

You do need sodium in your diet. That’s true enough. However, you don’t need it in the quantities you’ll find in a processed food.

Too much sodium makes you retain fluid, making you feel bloated. It also increases your chances of developing high blood pressure, contributes to heart disease and kidney problems.

A lot of processed snack foods have high amounts of sodium and saturated fats. 

It’s best to stick with healthy snacks such as fresh fruits and nuts.
I’m not saying that you can’t have a quick snack that is healthy. There are plenty some healthy packaged snacks on the market. You just need to be diligent about reading the labels and limiting the quantity of processed foods you eat.

Make sure the bulk of your diet is made up of fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats. In the long run, you’ll develop healthier eating habits and keep the weight you lose off for life!