
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Are you really that Busy?

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV)
Many people say they don’t have time for a quiet time. That’s an excuse. Every person on the planet has the same 168 hours in his or her week. The question is: How do you spend the time you have?
You don’t have time for everything. No one does. You have to make time for what really counts. It’s not a matter of time; it’s a matter of priorities and values. The key to making time for a daily devotion is to make Jesus and his Kingdom the priority in your life.
Remember Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV) .
Put God first in your life, and you’ll have more time. Whatever you need more of in your life, give God first place in that area.
Your quiet time and getting to know God should be the number one priority of your life. Why? You weren’t put on the planet to mark things off your to-do list. You were made to spend time with God.
A quiet time is a tremendous privilege you’ve been given. The creator of the universe has invited you to spend time with him every day. Imagine if your favorite actor, musician, singer, or athlete asked you to spend time with him or her every day. Would you say, “Sorry, I don’t have time for you”? Of course not!
So why do you say “no” to God's invitation to spend time with him? You are missing out on so much when you do.
Talk About It
  • How do you currently prioritize your day? How would those priorities have to change if you made a quiet time with God your number one priority?
  • Does considering your quiet time with God a privilege change your attitude toward how you prioritize your day?