Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How To Make Your Manicure Last Longer

Do NOT bite your nails!!

If you're a nail biter, you are doing more damage to your nails than good, whether they are manicured or not.
This is a nervous habit for some people and can be a bit difficult to get out of. Avoid allowing your nails anywhere near your mouth so you are not tempted to do anything.

The power of the Top Coat

Whether you go to the nail salon or you do your manicures at home, always Apply a top coat to your manicure at the end. This helps to lock in the nail polish and avoid it chipping at the edges. Not only does your manicure last longer, it will shine in the light too!
Every two to three days reapply a light layer of top coat to keep your manicure looking fresh.
Be careful with extra nail polish though. Too many layers can actually cause your nail polish to chip even quicker.

Nail Polishes Expire Too!

You will never get a beautiful manicure from thick, almost dried up polish! Purge your nail polish collection and get rid of the ones that are too thick for a nice smooth manicure.

Simpler colors last longer

Brighter, darker colors may look more fashionable but when they start to chip, it becomes more obvious. Go for something timeless and classic, look for the paler shades to the colors you love wearing. These colors make it less obvious that it's time for a touchup.

Use Rubber Gloves

The hands do a lot during the day and these tasks risk your manicure chipping. The worse is the task of washing dishes and cleaning around your home. The water will soften your nails and means that they are more at risk of chipping if you catch then on the cutlery or dishes. Avoid this from happening by using rubber gloves. Avoiding the stress that water and cleaning products can inflict on your shiny nails will help keep them stronger and preserve the paint longer.

Moisturize, Moisturize , Moisturize!!

Keep your hands and nails softer by using moisturizing cream. A great tip is to use it before putting on your rubber gloves. If you wash dishes with warm water it will make the cream soak in deeper and give your hands a really soft feel.

Patience is a Virtue in any Task!

Always wait at least a half hour after your manicure to do any heavy-duty activities. You can try using a top coat that has fast drying qualities.
Remember blowing on your nails can lead to bubbles beneath the surface of your fresh manicure.

Keep Your Nails In Shape

Between manicures, look after your nails by keeping them in shape. Use a nail file to smooth any rough edges and sharp points to avoid them catching on anything and breaking. This also helps to reduce the risk of the polish chipping and looking worn.

TIP: If you choose to have your nails done professionally, make sure you go to a reputable establishment that uses fresh tools for each client. Picking your regular salon with caution will keep you from picking up dirty nail fungi from unprofessional nail technicians that don't change or sterilize their tools.

references: femside.com/; 34-menopause-symptoms.com/

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