I have always wanted to attend a Make-up class of some sort...but all are so very expensive unfortunately. So I just satisfied for learning from YouTube all that I needed to know...and I honestly have learnt a lot.
Then about two weeks ago I came across this Facebook page called FaceForward. They were offering a make-up workshop. I had two minds about going, seeing that it was so far from where I lived...but every other factor made me excited to go. The topics covered, the cost, and the fact that I was gonna be getting me a certificate :)
After going through all the details I decided to go, and thanks to my Loving husband for taking me.
I really enjoyed the day. It's nothing like learning something hands on and actually being there in the class learning for yourself and practicing on yourself.
Our instructor: Ms. Alicia has such an amazing personality, she made everyone feel so at ease immediately. It's really easy to learn from a person like her.
The workshop was from 10am - 5:30pm...even though we finished about 6:10 or so...and it was at the K. Beckles Associates Law School on Flament Street Port of Spain.
The following topics were covered:
Skin analysis / Care techniques
Eyebrow arching techniques
Contouring (powder and foundation)
Foundation setting techniques
Eye shadow Application for day and evening
Fantasy Application (for Carnival)
The cost was $400.00 and all materials were provided. They also have Intermediate and Advanced courses.
Here is a picture of us girls who took the course: