
Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips for Losing Weight

Some of what you’ve learned is basic common sense, but I hope that you’ve gained some insight into how you can change your bad eating habits into good eating habits so you can lose weight and keep it off.

Here are more tips that are worth noting because they can have a positive impact on how well you maintain your diet and exercise program.

• Make sure you get enough sleep. Studies show that people who do not get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night have a more difficult time losing weight than those who do. Don’t start your weight loss program behind the eight ball. Make sure you get your ZZZ’s. Instead of using high fat mayonnaise, switch to mustard when making your sandwich. And unless you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, hold the cheese. These two changes will save you 200 calories.

• Eating out can be a diet killer if you don’t know how to order. There is no reason you need to eat French fries or potato just because it comes as a side dish with your steak. Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter or waitress if you can substitute a double vegetable in place of a high carbohydrate potato.

Many vegetable side dishes are negative calorie foods.

• Take before and after pictures. It’s easy to get discouraged with your progress if you forget how far you’ve come. Pictures will tell your story. 

• Join a support group or diet with a buddy. Going through the process with a friend can help keep you on track. 

• Read the label on all foods you purchase at the grocery story. It will be quite an eye opener. Stay away from high calorie foods that are full of fat and sodium. Choose foods that are high in fiber. 

• When you go grocery shopping skip the potato chip aisle and choose healthy fruits, yogurt and nuts as snacks. They will give you a boost of energy and nutrients instead of just empty calories.

• Keep a weight loss and exercise journal and be honest when recording your progress. 

• Set realistic goals for yourself. If you have a lot of weight to lose, don’t expect to reach your goal in a few weeks. You’ll only get discouraged and quit when you don’t succeed. Two pounds of weight loss per week is a healthy pace and is achievable.

• Men and women have different metabolisms. Men tend to lose weight faster than women do. I know it’s unfair, but it’s a reality. If you’re losing weight with your spouse, don’t make it a competition. Encourage each other’s successes, even if one of you is doing better than the other.

• Don’t weigh yourself every single day. Your weight can fluctuate from one day to the next and even from one time of day to another. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day every time to get an accurate measure of your progress.

• Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. In the beginning phases of your diet and exercise program you may feel like you’re not making any progress because you’re not losing weight as fast as you think you should. Look at the pictures you took of yourself at the beginning. Even if the pounds aren’t dropping, you may find that you’re beginning to gain muscle tone and actually fit better in your clothes.

• Keep to a schedule. If you change your pattern by exercising at different times of the day, it may be hard for the people in your life to know when you’re available. Once you find a time that works for you, stick to it. The people around you will know that time is designated as workout time and won’t be tempted to distract you from it.

• Don’t eat the same thing day after day. Mix up the menu with healthy foods so you won’t get bored and tempted to quit.

• Choose whole grain breads over white bread. It’s healthier and has more fiber.

• Most of all. Stick with it. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to dedicate yourself to changing bad habits and making good ones for life!